Nike- Customer Service

On Twitter, @nikestore has a great customer service strategy. They communicate with their customers by dealing with any customer complaints, taking customer orders, giving customers shoe size information, posting about new shoes that are being released, and much more about their products. The conversation below is an example from Nike’s Twitter page of how quick they are to respond to their customers and how they are handling customer responses and feedback.


This Twitter response initially started from a company update that Nike was sharing with their Twitter followers. This update included a specific shoe and the picture of it and a customer tweeted back at Nike asking when they would have this shoe in stock and proceeded to tell Nike his shoe size later on in the conversation.

None of Nike’s Twitter responses to customers are scripted or automated. They are all original and personalized to the individual they are talking to. This shows that Nike cares about their customers and cares about their brand image. Nike wants customers to know that they truly care about their feedback and that they will respond as quickly as possible when a customer needs their assistance.

Nike responds to all of their tweets, which is impressive because so many followers and customers tweet at them daily. By looking at their Twitter and at the image above, it is easy to see how great their customer truly is. They respond every business day to their followers and customers. It usually only takes them an hour to respond to each tweet, unless the store is closed. In this case, the tweets will be replied to the following business day. Nike overall does a great job handling customer service and increasing their brand image on social media in a positive manner.


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